and Comments We've Received
June 13, 2003
I am very happy about the decision. Let's not lose
the momentum, in athletics or in recognition for our academic success.
Dear Dr. Cowen,
I'm very happy that football is safe for the time being. Thank you. I
and others will increase our contributions to both the TAF as well as
other parts of the university. I cannot say how thrilled I am that we're
going to stay Div 1!!!
Dr. Cowen, Ad Hoc Committee and Board Members,
Thanks to all of you for making the right decision. Now the Tulane and
the New Orleans communities that have done the vocalizing must 'walk the
walk' so that this positive process results in much needed support that
will carry into the future. As Dr.Cowen expressed it, the status quo mentality
must remain in the past.
Tulane can now remain a top tier research university with an exemplary
and competitive Division 1A athletic program. Our student-athletes and
coaches will make you proud.
Comments We've Received